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Side Door


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(general chat)

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Merry meets And blessed be from 'Crystal cauldron' Study and coven!

Controlled By Onyx And (HPs) Elaine


sword.gif (18754 bytes)

* WAP Address: http://www.wapdrive.com/onyx_black *


Please take your time to explore this site before signing up to the coven or study group (Not all candidates will be allowed into the coven)

(Due to lake of internet connection, this site has Not been updated. Hope to get thing up and running again, soon!)

The wiccan rede: The fundamentals of wicca. Please read and take it in before looking at the rest of this site

Coms: This page is a collection of the main communications in this site. From 'coms' you can Email, Chat (May need appointment), Fill out new members form or go to the message board.

Mission: A brief statement on are goal, Aims, and other future plans

Award Winning site: Site that have been awarded for excellence. If its on this page, then its Well Worth visiting!!!

Archives: A collection of members research and the main information base for learning. This archive also contains the 'Book of Shadows'.

Archives Part2: A continuation of the first archives.

Info needs: The request for information. Can be emailed.

Info Still to come: Topics still on the list

Guidance: All available contacts for guidance.

Legal:The legal age to join a coven (Don't know if it applies to cyber covens).

Web Rings: Web links to other sits via a web ring.

Crystal Cauldron Award: The award given by this site to others.

Guest Book: Pleas take some time to sigh the guest book.

Links: Links to other sites and a small rating system.

Onyx: The personal page by Onyx Black. Also contains the "Black Tradition" book of shadows.... Well, part of it at the minuet.

Cg4.JPG (4186 bytes) Bargreen copy.JPG (22418 bytes) gc3.JPG (4160 bytes)

Copyright 2001    CCMember.JPG (30951 bytes) solopractb.JPG (30249 bytes)

For your own "I'm a solitary practitioner" Picture. Email Wiccas_mecca@yahoo.com With your craft name.