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Invocation befor sleep

Invocation of the Elements

Invocation of love

Invocation to the Goddess

Invocation to the God


Invocation before sleep

Lady of the moon;

Lord of the sun;

Protect me and mine

Now day is done.


Invocation of the Elements

Air, Fire, Water, Earth,

Elements of Astral birth,

I call you now; Attend to me!

In the circle, rightly cast'

Safe from psychic curse or blast,

I call you now; attend to me!

From cave and desert, sea and hill,

By wand, blade, cup and pentacle,

I call you now; attend to me!

This is my will, so mote it be!


Invocation of love

Lady of forests, fertility and Love,

Lord of Stones, Valleys and Love.

My may heart speak to your love.

To fill my soul,

With smiles and happiness.

Bless me with your love,

I show you mine.

As I am part of you,

So it be

My love too.


Invocation to the Goddess

Crescent One of the starry skies,

Flowered One of the fertile plain,

Flowing One of the ocean's sighs,

Blessed One of the gentle rain;

Hear my chant 'midst the standing stones,

Open me to your mystic light;

Waken me to your silver tones'

Be with me in my sacred rite!


Invocation to the God

Blazing God'

You who are the king of the Gods

Lord of the Sun,

Master of all that is wild and free;

Father of woman and man'

Lover of the Moon Goddess and protector of all the wicca:

Descend, I pray,

With your solar ray of power

Upon my circle here!